Nothing remains!
And finally Windows XP have a proper substitute, Windows 7.
Unfortunately, the people from Microsoft doesn’t think in HMI programmers, because the internal drivers has been changed…
Because of that we have found a solution to support those new drivers on our HMI’s.
Jul 07, 2021 The USB driver is in the program files in the C, path. Download HMI USB drivers from here based on device model number, install it on your computer and connect your device to PC or Laptop successfully. 40 thoughts on Delta HMI USB Updating firmware Add yours. DOP-B Series HMI Touchscreen 4.3 Inches Display Size 480 X 272 Pixel Resolution 24 Volts Input This product is no longer manufactured or sold. The Delta recommended replacement is the DOP-103BQ drive. Please check the dimensions and specifications on the replacement panel page or contact us at 800-985-6929 to confirm the replacement will work for your application. Delta Hmi Dop B Usb Driver Rating: 9,5/10 9442 votes We provide all Delta AC Drives, VFD’s, Delta AC Servo Motors, Delta Rotary Optical Encoders, Delta Motion Control Network, Delta Programmable Logic Controller, Delta Human Machine Interfaces, Delta Text Panels, Delta Temperature Controllers, Delta Industrial Fieldbus Solutions, Delta.
So if you have a new Windows 7 or Windows Vista and your drivers doesn’t works, don’t worry, and just follow the next steps:
1 – Check the firmware of your HMI.
The first firmware version with the new Windows 7 drivers is V2.0170. If your HMI have a lower firmware version, please Update the HMI trough XP computer or serial port.
2 – Once you have the proper firmware, go to the system menu, and choose system setting.
3 – Then look for the MISC menu, and there you should found the option called “USBCommMode.”
Delta Hmi Dop B Usb Driver Windows 7
4 – You only need to change that USBCommMode option from 0 to 1.
USBCommMode = 0 (Windows XP)
USBCommMode = 1 (Windows Vista & Windows 7)
Delta Hmi Dop B Usb Driver
If do you want further information of how to update the firmware trough serial port, please download the DOP-B and W7 trouble pdf from our ftp.
Delta Hmi Dop B Usb Driver Download
name: den-eindhoven
Password: BuPd2175
Delta Hmi Dop B Usb Driver Windows 10
Delta HMI’s are not compatible with Windows 7 (64 bits)
Problem Solved